Saturday 27 July 2013

The reader, the baker ...

Can't get enough of Kershaw's Hitler. That is such a good book! I've had it for 24 hrs and already I am on page 12o (= a lot). There are some flaws, for sure, and some German street names are ridunkjulus (especially when I am reading it out loud for mum and dad and get stuck in a whirlwind of letters), but even though the start of his political career is tedious and the author has to pick out actual events from a sea of bogus later-years propaganda, stressing this almost every other line, it is such a good read. Intensely detailed and still very fast paced. It has been easy going so far, because the guy was mostly a hermit for the first 30 years. Later big fat names will join the swirl. I'm at the point where he decides to become the contra-revolutionarist. Whatever that actually was. They called 'the revolution' when pangermanic side of the WWI lost and some people claimed they've had it with bad political decisions. Those were so called revolutionaries. But not really. He's not an actual activist, just a noisy opinionist. He discovers his singular talent: talking very loudly to already angry peeps. It was just shitty post-war times and people liked to listen to a small, ugly dude on bar tables and soap boxes and scream how shitty post-war the times are.

On a related subject, I came downhill early today, some because I made a cool Sacher cake (needs more chocolate, though. It can be denser.) for hubsies and I was anxious for him to eat it and some 'cause my sister made everyone feel bad again. That is such a graceless individual. As I dragged cake (big cake, nomm-nomm) to the car, I turned and saw dad (whom I didn't see afterwards, not sure where he went to calm down), stood on the porch, looking at me. Traditionally we yell 'bye-bye!' a lot and wave across both estates. It's an ampytheatrical hillside and it's kind of cute. Here, I just put both my opened palms up and he put both his palms up, arms up entirely, and we just kinda, mutely, waved happy waves. Poor dad. He can see the benefits and lowpoints of having opinionated offspring. Never a dull moment, really.